
Pushdown Optimization Overview

You can push transformation logic to the source or target database using pushdown optimization. When you run a session configured for pushdown optimization, the Integration Service translates the transformation logic into SQL queries and sends the SQL queries to the database. The source or target database executes the SQL queries to process the transformations. 

The amount of transformation logic you can push to the database depends on the database, transformation logic, and mapping and session configuration. The Integration Service processes all transformation logic that it cannot push to a database. 

Use the Pushdown Optimization Viewer to preview the SQL statements and mapping logic that the Integration Service can push to the source or target database. You can also use the Pushdown Optimization Viewer to view the messages related to pushdown optimization. 

The Integration Service generates an INSERT SELECT statement to retrieve the ID, name, and description values from the source table, create new item IDs, and insert the values into the ITEM_ID, ITEM_NAME, and ITEM_DESC columns in the target table. It concatenates the store number 5419, an underscore, and the original ITEM ID to get the new item ID.

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