
Checking In and Out Versioned Repository Objects

When you work with versioned objects, you must check out an object if you want to change it, and save it when you want to commit the changes to the repository. You must check in the object to allow other users to make changes to it. Checking in an object adds a new numbered version to the object history.

Checking In Objects

You commit changes to the repository by checking in objects. When you check in an object, the repository creates a new version of the object and assigns it a version number. The repository increments the version number by one each time it creates a new version.

To check in an object from the Workflow Manager workspace, select the object or objects and click Versioning > Check in. If you are checking in multiple objects, you can choose to apply comment to all objects.

If you want to check out or check in scheduler objects in the Workflow Manager, you can run an object query to search for them. You can also check out a scheduler object in the Scheduler Browser window when you edit the object. However, you must run an object query to check in the object.

If you want to check out or check in session configuration objects in the Workflow Manager, you can run an object query to search for them. You can also check out objects from the Session Config Browser window when you edit them.

You also can check out and check in session configuration and scheduler objects from the Repository Manager.

Viewing and Comparing Versioned Repository Objects

You can view and compare versions of objects in the Workflow Manager. If an object has multiple versions, you can find the versions of the object in the View History window. In addition to comparing versions of an object in a window, you can view the various versions of an object in the workspace to graphically compare them.

Use the following rules and guidelines when you view older versions of objects in the workspace:

 You cannot simultaneously view multiple versions of composite objects, such as workflows and worklets.

 Older versions of a composite object might not include the child objects that were used when the composite object was checked in. If you open a composite object that includes a child object version that is purged from the repository, the preceding version of the child object appears in the workspace as part of the composite object. For example, you might want to view version 5 of a workflow that originally included version 3 of a session, but version 3 of the session is purged from the repository. When you view version 5 of the workflow, version 2 of the session appears as part of the workflow.

 You cannot view older versions of sessions if they reference deleted or invalid mappings, or if they do not have a session configuration.

Opening an Older Version of an Object

When you view an older version, the version number appears as a prefix before the object name. You can simultaneously view multiple versions of a non-composite object in the workspace.

To open an older version of an object in the workspace:

1.  In the workspace or Navigator, select the object and click Versioning > View History.

2.  Select the version you want to view in the workspace and click Tools > Open in Workspace.

Comparing Two Versions of an Object

You can compare two versions of an object through the workspace, Navigator, or the View History window.

To compare two versions of an object:

1.  In the workspace or Navigator, select an object and click Versioning > View History.

2.  Select the versions you want to compare and click Compare > Selected Versions.


Select a version and click Compare > Previous Version to compare a version of the object with the previous version.

The Diff Tool appears.